Above & Beyond


From miles above the clouds deep down to the ocean.

“Above & Beyond” is my first photobook. Over the last two years I collected a lot of pictures as well as beautiful memories with them. “A&B” connects the visual impressons with my written words. The book will be released in spring of 2021.

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It all started with a simple idea.

I am currently spending night for night in front of my desk, working on “A&B”. The image process is almost done and I already wrote a lot of text. Now I am connecting those two parts to a harmonic book. If you don’t want to miss out on any process, feel free to have a look at my instagram. See you soon! Sören.

Start your journey right now!

Get yourself one of the limited books now. The book won’t restock once it is sold out, so you better be fast. 


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi tincidunt, elit ut sollicitudin porta, massa eros tempus sem, vel finibus neque turpis pulvinar odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id sodales velit. Donec eget dui ut erat euismod pharetra id vitae justocu mattis aliquam erat.