Sören Franck
Photographer & Editor


A designer who loves to build simple and beautiful things.

Eversince I was a little boy, I have been fascinated by art and technology. Since the age of 16, this hobby turned into an apprenticeship followed by a full-time job. From classic photography to specially programmed scripts, I am always looking fore new challenges and artistic development! With more than six years of practical experience, I have been able to produce a wide variety of projects in the past. From documentary photography to commercials, I have already worked for clients like: Porsche, Kia, Waves & Woods Magazine and more. I am enthusiastic about the challenge and look forward to implementing creative visions together with you in the future.


SAM Medien GmbH – 2016 | Present

In my time as an Editor and Cameraman at SAM, I got to work on a variety of projects. From music-videos to vfx post-production, I was involved in various tasks.

Design School – 2014 | 2016

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Adobe Creative Cloud
wordpress & Html
Davici Resolve